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Want extra spending money????  Here is how: Our clients retain our services to add a positive credit history to their credit report(s).  We do this by working with responsible individuals like yourself who have good credit. If you have top notch payment history with your qualified credit cards of two years or more, we need
you!  We'll pay a fee  for adding our clients as an Authorized User to your credit card(s). 


Authorized Users will not have access to your account, nor your card and doesn’t even know who you are. In fact they don't care. They'll benefit from your credit card payment history when its reported to their credit report.  When this happens, their credit score gets updated with the new history, and a new, improved credit
score is generated for them.  


You worked really hard for outstanding credit, now is time for your credit to
work hard for you.  Contact Us Today!


Note: You must have at least 2 yrs of credit history and below 30 % utilization rate on either card you submit for consideration. 

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